Advertisement is a notice or display advertising something. It is a text which announces something to attract people about the product, service or event advertised becomes more popular for people or consumers.


Social Function:

1. To advertise a product or service or an event to people.

2. To persuade or convince people to buy/use/attend the product or service or event advertised.

3. To resuscitate communication and to give information of a product/service/an event


Kinds of Advertisement:

1. Printing Advertisement. It's an advertisement which is published in newspaper, magazine, tabloid, or other printing mass media.

2. Advertorial. It's an advertisement in the style of an editorial or objective journalistic article.

3. Display Advertisement. Advertisement with big picture and text.

4. Electronic Advertisement It is advertised in any electronic mass media.


Generic structure:

1. Title. It is part of the advertisement text that has a major component or main topic.

2. Explanation. It contains explanation of the advertisement and it usually uses interesting and persuading words to attract people.


An advertisement usually consist of:

1. The name of the product

2. The selling points of the product

3. How to get the product

4. Interesting design


The content of advertisement should has the following items:

1. Clear purpose/goal

2. Honestly

3. Brave

4. Clear

5. Not allude group or other product 



There will be a holiday camp next month. All scout must join this camp. The activity will take place at Prambanan camping site and last for three days.

For further information, please contact Mr. Arkan.


Klaten, May 12th 2021

The chief of Scout Organization



1.       When will the activity be held?

2.       If the camp starts in June 5th, when will it end?

3.       Who must join the activity?

4.       Where will the camping take place?

5.       Who must we contact if we want to have an information?



Singing Competition

To: All students of SMA N 1 Wonosari

Our school will have a Singing Competition that will be held on May 12th 2021.

Registration will be held on 6th-9th at OSIS room. Free registration and full of prize!

Contact Person: Octa (0838 1234 5678).



1.       What competition will be held at the school?

2.       Where can we usually find the announcement above?

3.       When will the competition be held?

4.       How long will the registration be held?

5.       Who must we contact to get detailed information about the contest?
